The Ucayali Una is one of the boats in the Jungle Cruise.
The Ucayali Una was a 1930s steamboat used for river transportation.
Jungle Cruise[]
The Ucayali Una is a wheelchair accessible boat in the Jungle Cruise.
Jingle Cruise[]
During Disneyland's defunct Jingle Cruise overlays, the Una was renamed to the Ucayali Eggnog and to the Evergreen Una.
Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar[]
Framed in this bar is a post-card from Charlie Allnut from The African Queen to Trader Sam. This post-card reads, "Sam- Just a word of advice. Avoid the 'Ucayali Una' at all costs. If you want to get up the river, call ME. - Charlie".[1]
Other connections[]
The African Queen[]
Charlie Allnut is a character from this film which inspired Harper Goff in developing the Jungle Cruise.
- The Ucayali Una is one of the rare boats to not have counterparts with name variants in other versions of the Jungle Cruise.