Jungle Cruise Wiki

Skipper Dave is a character from the Adventure Trading Company.



Skipper Dave was a skipper for the colonial Jungle Navigation Company during the 1930s. Dave was also a correspondent for The Daily Gnus newspaper which was distributed throughout Jungle Navigation Company outposts. Around the summer of 1936, he participated in a challenge with his fellow skippers to find, "Adventureland’s Funniest Joke" and spoke to journalist “Jungle” Jorge Jump on the topic.


Adventure Trading Company[]

Dave was mentioned in Jorge Jump's article, "FUN WITH PUNS!" and had the quote, " I’m not lion when I say we’re looking for gnu material. We recognize that this challenge is like a giraffe at a take-out window, you know - a tall order.

But the animals have already been really helping us out. The gorillas have some jokes that a-peeled to us, and the elephants had a whole trunk full. We haven’t reached out to the local bat population though. Their humor is way too dark for us! Let us get to the point. In the end, we believe our fellow adventurers could help us out greatly."

