Jungle Cruise Wiki

Mystic Point is a fictional location which is the setting of the land of the same name in Hong Kong Disneyland.


Mystic Point is a colony in Papua New Guinea. It was created in the Victorian era by Lord Henry Mystic.

Points of interest[]

  • Archive Shop: This was a shop connected to Lord Henry Mystic which he used to sell merchandise and artifacts.
  • Explorers Club Restaurant: This was a restaurant opened by Lord Henry Mystic on the June 12 of 1908.
  • Garden of Wonders: This was a garden of artwork and illusions curated by Lord Mystic.
  • Mystic Manor: Mystic Manor is the victorian estate of Lord Henry Mystic. It contains a collection of 7,000 artifacts taken by Mystic from across the world.
  • Mystic Point Freight-Depot: This was a depot used for transferring Lord Mystic's possessions.



Mystic Point was a jungle land of Papua New Guinea which was stolen and colonized by British aristocrat, Lord Henry Mystic. Mystic had selected the region due to having previously visited it in the late 1870s/early 1880s where he happened upon a monkey which he adopted and named, "Albert". Mystic Point the colony was created in 1889 to serve as the home to Lord Mystic and Albert. In 1908, Lord Mystic began letting outsiders into the colony to show off his collection of artifacts and inventions.

Jungle Cruise appearances[]

Adventure Trading Company[]

The Daily Gnus newspaper journalist B. Pepperella mentions how the Adventure Trading Company made stops in Mystic Point, Harambe and the Lost River Delta before arriving in Adventureland. Lord Henry Mystic is also mentioned in both the Daily Gnus by Priyanka Manhas, and on the list of Adventure Trading Company members.

Jungle Cruise[]

In an interview with the Daily Gnus leading up to the 2021 refurbishments, Alberta Falls mentions how her grandfather took her to Mystic Point. There is a crate in the Mekong boathouse labelled to be sent from Mystic Point to Dr. Kon Chunosuke.[1] Another crate of beekeeping supplies is stamped to be shipped to Mystic Point.

In the Magic Kingdom, a crate of beekeeping supplies is present in the Amazon River Base.[2] A letter in Alberta Falls' office asks about her journey to Mystic Point, while a post-card from there is pinned to her wall.[3][4] There is a post-card for Mystic Point in the bulletin board of this base. A souvenir banner for Mystic Point hangs over the Banana Troop door.[5] On the shift exchange chalkboard, Babs gives her shift of travelling from the East Dock to Mystic Point to fellow skipper, Skipper Shane with approval from Alberta Falls.

Skipper Canteen[]

In the library of the Skipper Canteen are by Lord Mystic titled Treasures of the Manor and A Manor of Fact. There is also a book titled Mysteries of Mystic Manor by Yuen.

Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar[]

Skip Dockmonkey mentions Trader Sam having travelled to Mystic Point on his search for new mixological ingredients.[6]

Other connections[]

Bengal Barbecue[]

Charlie Allnut and Rose Sayer have a plushy of Albert the monkey while riding the Zambezi Miss past the African veldt.

Jungle River Cruise: Curse of the Emerald Trinity[]

Lord Henry Mystic was interviewed in 1932 by the Daily Colonial Journal on his history with Prof. Garrett Reed.

Tropical Hideaway[]

An oar left behind by Lord Henry Mystic decorates the walls of this restaurant.

Other appearances[]

Mystic Point[]

Mystic Manor[]

Oceaneer Lab[]

Captain Mary Oceaneer has a portrait of Lord Henry and Albert outside of Mystic Manor aboard her vessel, the R.V. Oceaneer Lab.


  • Mystic's claiming of Mystic Point resembles the historic practice of justifying English land-claim to Oceania by declaring it to be non-populated due to the lack of western agriculture, despite populations of humans in the region.
  • Walt Disney and Roy Disney are shown in attendance of the opening of Mystic Manor to the public in 1908. This is however anachronistic to real-life history as they would have been children at the time.
  • While Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar has Skip mention Trader Sam having travelled to Mystic Point, at Trader Sam's Grog Grotto he instead mentions him travelling to Vulcania from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

External links[]

