Maraglyphs are a substation cipher and fictional typographic system originating from Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye.
Maraglyphs were a cipher used by the cult of Mara, patron deity of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye in the Lost Delta of India.
Development history[]
Jungle Cruise appearances[]
Adventure Trading Company[]
The Eye of Mara Juju was achieved by deciphering maraglyphs for the Lost Delta Archaeological Expedition. Notably were maraglyphs on a map of Adventureland and on messages from the Jungle Telegram Co..
Club 33[]
During Tiki Takeover, tablets with maraglyphs for, "33" were placed outside the establishment.
Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye[]
Maraglyphs can be found throughout the queue for this attraction.
Jungle Cruise[]
Tablets with Maraglyphs appear in Disneyland's boathouse.[1] The tablet has cobras and translates to, "Gates of Doom".
- Two glyphs in the Temple of the Forbidden Eye reference Mickey Mouse. One is a glyph in the shape of Mickey's head, the other are glyphs translating to, "MM".