Jungle Cruise Wiki
Jungle Cruise Wiki

The Legendary Flying Beasts of the Mekong Legendary Flying Beasts of the Mekong river and the surrounding territories is a map in the Skipper Canteen. The map depicts several flying creatures as documented for the Society of Explorers and Adventurers by club-president Jason Chandler and affiliate Captain Brieux aboard the Hyperion airship. This map was hung up in a secret room in the estate of fellow society member, Dr. Albert Falls.


Image Name Description Film (if applicable Attraction (if applicable) Other Jungle Cruise connections
Boreas Boreas, otherwise known as the North Wind is the mythological personification of the North Wind and is one of the main Anemoi, the personifications of the winds in Hellenistic myth. The map features Boreas blowing at the region from the North-East. Fantasia
Loong Most of the creatures on the map are loong, better known as, "Chinese Dragons".
Maleficent Maleficent is a dark-faery from the film Sleeping Beauty who could transform into a dragon. The map shows Maleficent in her dragon form near the Bay of Bengal. Sleeping Beauty Fantasmic!

Sleeping Beauty Castle Walkthrough

  • Maleficent was an antagonist in the attraction Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom which featured many Adventureland and Jungle Cruise elements.
  • Maleficent appeared in the attraction Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour which is referenced in a Skipper Canteen book by, "Cindy Ella".
  • The Bay of Bengal is identified as containing an address of Dr. Albert Falls.
  • The Loong and Maleficent appear in the vicinity of Kolkata, a city with Jungle Navigation Company agents and where the fictional Jungle Cruise film was shot.
Pheonix Pheonix or, "Fire Birds" are mythological creatures that can rebirth themselves in fire. Fantasia 2000 BraviSEAmo!
  • The Phoenix Prometeo incarnates the fires of Mount Prometheus in Porto Paradiso, the place of founding for the S.E.A..


