Jungle Cruise Wiki

The Jungle Cruise Adventure Game is a board-game made by Ravensburger in 2020.



Jungle Navigation Company president Alberta Falls is taking a long deserved vacation. In her absence, she has selected one of the JNC's four founding families to serve as wardens of the company in her absence. Players assume the roles of Jungle Navigation Company skippers who must navigate the waters of the Jungle Cruise rivers to deliver cargo and passengers from the Mekong boathouse to JNC headquarters. The passengers transported are all members of the four families which has yet to be revealed until the transport is complete.


Each player is represented by a different boat: the Amazon Annie, Congo Connie, Nile Princess, or Kissimmee Kate.


  • Several members of the group are modelled after more famous characters.
    • Indiana Jones is a member of the Temple and DeNyle families.
    • A member of the Cruz and Lyons families is an illustrator modelled after Marc Davis.
    • A Cruz family member is modelled after imagineer Tony Baxter.
    • The Temple and DeNyle family has a member modelled after Walt Disney, dressed as he did while piloting the Congo Queen.
    • Rick Blaine from Casablanca (1942) is a member of the Cruz and DeNyle families.
  • References to racist figures from the ride such as Trader Sam, Chief Nah-mee or the Headhunter tribe are removed from this game. This is notable as the game was released prior to the 2021 refurbishments which removed these entities.
  • The game features man-eating plants as an obstacle.
  • Idols of Mara from Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye are amongst the cargo.
  • The fishing-lures are all modelled after Mickey Mouse universe characters.
  • One of the girls in the family holds a doll of Princess Tiana from the Princess and the Frog (2008).

