The Emerald Trinity is a series of three paranormal jewels from the Jungle River Cruise: Curse of the Emerald Trinity overlay of Jungle River Cruise.
The Emerald Trinity refers to three glowing emeralds (allegedly connected to vodun) which could grant immortality to their users. However, each emerald also controlled the jungle around it, causing the jungle to violently attempt to kill whomever stole it, even animating corpses as defenders. The emeralds were kept within the Altar of Souls in the flooded Temple of Immortality.
The Emerald Trinity are three jewels which can bestow immortality on those who took them from their jungle. The tribe was maintained by a, "Voodoo tribe" several centuries before the 1930s. The three jewels were hidden away in the Temple of Immortality and lost to time.
In the early 1930s, the jewels were sought after by criminal archaeologist Professor Garrett Reed who wished to obtain immortality. Reed located the temple and stole one of the jewels on the December 8 of 1932 before taking it away to his base-camp. The night of December 8th, a skipper for the Jungle Navigation Company followed Reed's trail to the temple while performing a, "Jungle Cruise" tour and secretly stole the remaining emerald.
The skipper later happened upon Reed's camp where they witnesses his death at the hands of jungle vines. The jungle subsequently turned on the skipper too, with them narrowly escaping murderous plants, the resurrected tribe, and zombies emerging from the water. Eventually the boat entered the Canyon of the Gods where the canyon's deities reclaimed the stolen jewel. The gods attempted to kill those aboard the boat only for the boat to escape to the JNC boathouse.
Jungle River Cruise: Curse of the Emerald Trinity[]
The Emerald Trinity is the main McGuffin for this attraction overlay.