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Dr. Dunfor Pullit is a character from Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye.



Dr. Dunfor Pullit was an archaeologist during the 1930s. In 1936, he became part of Indiana Jones' Lost Delta Archaeological Expedition in the Lost Delta of India to excavate the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. While doing work which required rope-suspension, guests brought to the temple by the greedy British Colonial Affairs pulled on the rope despite clear instructions not to, resulting in certain artifacts being broken. One promised fifty years of bad luck on whoever broke its vessel, only to break it and presumably curse Doctor Pullit.

Doctor Pullit appeared to have done archaeological work in the Echo Lake area of Hollywood, Los Angeles at some point. While underground, guests waiting for an Indiana Jones themed stunt-show pulled on the rope and caused his artifacts to be broken.

Jungle Cruise appearances[]

Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye[]

In the queue, Doctor Pullit can be heard excavating. Guests can pull the rope to break his artifacts.

Other appearances[]

Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular![]

Pullit has an audible appearance similar to in Temple of the Forbidden Eye, here outside of the building.


  • Pullit's name is a play on, "Don't pull it".


