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The Crystal Skull of Akator‏‎ also known simply as the Crystal Skull is an object from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008).


The Crystal Skull of Akator the skull of an interdimensional being, taken from its crystalline skeleton in the South American city of Akator. The skull had telepathic abilities, being able to drive humans who look into its sockets to insanity from the psionic contact. The skull is also highly magnetic, even being able to attract non magnetic metals towards it.


In the universe are a race of interdimensional beings who use flying-saucer like vehicles to travel in the, "Space between spaces". On Earth, thirteen of these advanced organisms contacted the ancient Ugha tribe of the western Amazon rainforest and became their gods. Under the 13 aliens, the Ugha created the golden city of Akator, or, "El Dorado" as the Spanish would call it.

In 1546, the beings were in a stasis within Akator that rendered them as crystal skeletons. A conquistador named Francisco de Orellana would steal one of the skulls from the city of gold before the skull telepathically forcing him to return it to the city. Francisco was however killed by the guardians of the Chauchilla Cemetery where he and the skull were buried.

In 1957, the skull was located by Professor Harold "Ox" Oxley but it drove him to insanity. Oxley was captured by the Soviet Union who were aware of the interdimensional beings due to having stolen one of their corpses from Hangar 51 in Nevada after it crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. The soviets wished to use the power of the skulls to telepathically make the entire human-race communist.

When Harold was sought after by his old friend Indiana Jones, he and their allies worked to return the skull to Akator. They eventually did so, bringing the interdimensional beings back to life as they left earth in their flying-saucer.


Jungle Cruise[]

During Indiana Jones Summer of Hidden Mysteries, a stone-tablet depicting the Crystal Skull was in the possession of Trader Sam at his outpost in the Amazon rainforest.[1]


  • There are multiple other skulls in the Indiana Jones story of unknown (if any) relation to the interdimensional beings. One is the Crystal Skull of the Temple of the Crystal Skull in the Lost River Delta, a sentient skull of great power which Jones fought in 1931. There is also the Crystal Skull of Cozan which Jones stole from Italian Fascist Leonardo Sarducci in 1933.
    • In Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar, there is a photograph of Trader Sam outside the Temple of the Crystal Skull. There is also a newspaper clipping on Indiana Jones' theft of Sarducci's crystal skull.[2]
    • There is a series of books in the library of the skipper canteen written by Jones' former assistant Paco on the Temple of the Crystal Skull.
    • The evil billionaire S.E.A. member Harrison Hightower III took a photograph outside the Temple of the Crystal Skull in the 19th century.
  • The interdimensional beings have connections to other Steven Spielberg/George Lucas projects:
    • The aliens to which the skulls belong highly resemble the aliens from the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977).
    • In Akator is artwork of R2-D2 from Star Wars and E.T. from E.T..
  • El Dorado has been mentioned in-universe in Big Thunder Mountain Railroad as having been visited by S.E.A. members Jason Chandler and Barnabas T. Bullion. El Dorado was indirectly alluded to in the Jungle Cruise film with the character of Aguirre, named for and based on historic conquistador Lope " El Loco" de Aguirre who searched for the city of gold.


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