Jungle Cruise Wiki
Jungle Cruise Wiki

The Jungle Cruise film and Jungle Cruise attraction have references to one another and integrated elements of shared lore. The film is technically a prequel to the attraction, set in 1916 while the American rides are set in 1938 (though the Disneyland version was previously set around 1936 to correlate with the story of Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye).




  • The map which Houghton and Frank Wolff used to find Lagrimas de Cristal is framed in a hallway of the Jungle Navigation Company's Lost Delta boathouse. The conquistador helm of Lope de Aguirre is also hung up in one of the corridors.
  • Hung up in the office of JNC president Alberta Falls are the clothes of Frank Wolff and Lily Houghton. Alberta is also the granddaughter of the aforementioned Dr. Albert Falls referenced in the film as the colonial explorer who was a member of the Royal Anthropological and Diverse Adventures Society and who took the Arrowhead of Lukarina from the Amazon.
  • While difficult to perceive on the Disneyland version of the ride, the map from the Mekong Maiden which the chimpanzees examine was actually made by Frank Wolff for Dr. Albert Falls.

Magic Kingdom[]

Jingle Cruise[]

  • Amongst the cargo which the Jungle Navigation Company dumped in the African veldt near the lost Jungle Cruise was a crate addressed to Nilo Nemolato.


  • The book Jungle Cruise (Disney Classic) shows Frank and Lily piloting the Amazon Belle.
  • Both the film and the attraction include settings of the Amazon rainforest though it is unknown if the parts of the jungle are within proximity to one another as the film is expressly identified as occurring in Brazil while the ride is not identified to a nation which the rainforest overlaps with. Brazil is referenced in Walt Disney World's Jungle Cruise when Albert Awol identifies his broadcast's music as coming from the Library of Lost American Melodies in Manaus. Brazil was also indirectly referenced during the Indiana Jones Summer of Hidden Mysteries overlay of Disneyland's Jungle Cruise, when Trader Sam possessed a stone tablet depicting the Crystal Skull of Akator.
  • Loose historic continuity comes from how Prince Joachim is great-grandson of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, characters referenced in the Jungle Cruise; most explicitly by the Prince Albert School.


